ERT in Corporate Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Department of Ramu NiCo that administers the overall health and safety of employees and hazard free workplace has proud National Award winning history and is now undergoing training after prolong pause due to COVID-19.
Their trainings involve vertical rope technic, road crash rescue, confined space rescue, hazmat rescue, basic firefighting, basic life support or first aid, risk management and others.
These specialized trainings will equip the participants (officers) with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergency situations in the workplace and also prepare them to participate in National Emergency Response Competitions.
Emergency Response Team (ERT) Superintendent, Jonathan Bal said most of the ERT officers are locally employed and the training is very important for them and the safety of the Ramu NiCo’s employees.
The US$ 2.04 billion world class Ramu NiCo Project run by Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) has been recognized and flag locally, nationally and internationally through its unwavering achievements, sustainable project developments, decentralization of community services, business venture, socioeconomic development and others since the establishment of project in Madang on the north coast of Papua New Guinea in Pacific.
RNML is venturing into world class Nickel and Cobalt project which composed of laterite open-pit mining, 135 km slurry pipeline, high pressure acid leaching, deep sea tailings placement (DSTP) and with ancillary facilities.
As per, it is paramount and worth for every Ramu NiCo’s employee in all departments, business partners, shareholders and all other bodies who plays a role in one way or the other for the smooth operation of Ramu NiCo Project to continue in fostering with the motto, “One Ramu NiCo, One Community.”
“I, my-self cannot make a difference in the operation of the team but with team work with my colleagues, we can make a great team at the corporate level,” said Jonathan.
Jonathan said ERT has four training schedules conducted every Wednesdays and Saturdays full day in a week. There were various trainings like Beep Test that involves a multistage fitness test (MSFT), Endurance Test and others that the officers will go through to pass the fitness.
“The target set under standard practice is 7.5. However, some of us went up to 8 which is very good,” said Jonathan.
He added that in terms of equipment for emergency response they have all the equipment including a fire truck that contains 10 thousand tons of water, a first response vehicle and an ambulance for medevac.
Corporate HSE Superintendent, Venansius Sapark who has good history of bringing ERTs and won finals in National Emergency Response Competitions for three times said they will give the same training to both teams from Kurumbukari (KBK) and Basamuk (BSK).
The trainings were planned to go through all crews on site and trained them up and schedule the trainers on site by assisting them to lead the team and make selections.
“I am here to ensure that both sides KBK and BSK will challenge each other and their commitment and discipline will make them stand out,” Venansius said.
Venansius said they are going to train them all and the superintendents on sites and the emergency response trainer from both sites will make selections. Then they are going to train the selected ones and send them for the National Emergency Response Competitions.
“This time we senior officers will not involve, we will step back and let the young officers take charge and lead. We will just guide them and ensure to have good result that Ramu NiCo wants. The company spends and wants something good coming out of it. And most importantly, these are people who are going to be on site in real time job and taking care of employees,” said Venansius.
KBK Emergency Respond Officer, Simon Bony who serves Ramu NiCo for five years and took part in the training said this training is one of the company’s priorities and purposely to save lives.
“These Emergency Response Trainings have got no College but it’s external technology. And I am proud to be an Emergency Response Officer and gain these knowledge and skills,” said Simon.
Accordingly, ERT makes Ramu NiCo proud by winning the National ER and firefighting competition twice, in 2017 and 2019.
Ramu NiCo ER teams from BSK and KBK are doing their best in taking care of the overall safety of Ramu NiCo’s employees and hazard free workplace.
Likewise, every employee in all other Departments and corporate bodies of RNML strive with the motto, “One Ramu NiCo, One Community” and cherish in the operation of Ramu NiCo that will continue to impact the universal community.

Simon Bony-ERT Officer at the training in KBK Mine Site

Venansius Sapark HSE Superintendent / ERT Trainer

Ambulance and Fire Truck at KBK in Training

Jonathan Bal-ERT Sup of KBK Mine