The operational and process uniqueness of Ramu NiCo in Madang offers enormous opportunities. This was echoed by Registered Works General Manager for Basamuk Refinery Mr. Bill Hill when addressing eight young Papua New Guinean graduates who were recruited under a graduate development scheme (GDS).

“I have worked for two different nickel laterite companies in Australia and one in Madagascar in Africa for a good number of years. But I can tell you that Ramu NiCo is unique and offers good platform for you to learn and build your professional careers,” Mr. Hill told the graduates.

Mr. Hill who will clock 9 years with Ramu NiCo by the end of the year told the graduates, “with the operational uniqueness, you will be part of a team to utilize your theoretical knowledge to do a gap analysis on the current practices and recommend changes for improvement”.

“For the process uniqueness, Ramu NiCo offers an advanced and complex technology and innovation that you will embrace the opportunity to learn”.

Ramu NiCo operates the only sulfuric acid plant in PNG which is complex in itself, the refinery also has a complex limestone plant, has three High Pressure Acid Leaching plants, neutralization plant and a counter-current decantation plant.

“These complex operations and processes provide an enormous opportunity to learn and excel in your career if you are patient and determined enough to do so,” Mr. Hill added.

The Australian native told the graduates that throughout his experience in the nickel laterite extraction sector, not all the nickel refineries in the world have achieved production design nameplate. Many refineries have achieved up to 90% or less.

“However, for Ramu NiCo, the production was commissioned in 2012, and achieved 100% production design nameplate in 2017, and maintained that consistently throughout these past years. This is a milestone achievement in the industry,” Mr. Hill concluded.

The graduates were part of 20 university graduates who were recently recruited for  Ramu NiCo Graduate Development Scheme.

Caption: Mr. Bill Hill (center) with graduates and flanked by Ramu NiCo HR Manager Jeffers Teargun (far right).