Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine has taken the initiative to assist in work ethics and communication skills for its employees working at the mine by introducing competitions that would help to boost individual confidence, communication, producing constructive speaking and keeping the bond of team work and unity at its mine site.

The initiative started this year at the mine site with programs successfully constructed a series of “International Mine” theme activities as a form of a new communication bridge between both sides.

Activities include KBK Mine English Morning Meeting Project, Advanced English Training Course, China-PNG Young Employee English Forum on “International Culture” and “Safety Culture” English Debate Contest, and KBK Mine English Speech Contest.

The aim was for all employees to learn the fundamentals of corporate communication between team leaders, supervisors across the chain of command as well as knowing vital mediums of communication platforms that is vibrant for the dissemination of information in cross-culture environment at the KBK Mine Site to improve employees’ English ability and to make communication more smooth.

The core aim of this was to promote communication to achieve positive results, report hazards and incidents professionally, and build confidence among the employees.

KBK Mine on a national scale includes many local workers in various technical departments. Some employees have difficulties in communicating and reporting at times. The other reason was to improve the Chinese employees on their English speaking skills as well as to encourage more cross-culture interaction between both sides.

RNML KBK Mine & Works Deputy General Manager Mr. Mathew Francis who was one of the judges during the recent speech competition on Wednesday 09th of October 2024 said the mine wants all its employees  to be able to be familiarized with communication platforms such as WeChat, What’s App, E-mail and proper body language for work such as eye-light and gesture communication.

“There are two forms of communication, direct and in-direct communication. Direct communication is taking work advice, instructions, briefings as well as meetings where our employees must be confident to speak and raise points, discussion topics and reporting. This is all face-to-face communication that we want our employees to have the courage to be involved,” Mr Francis said.

He said “In-Direct” communication is through different medium of communication that we want all our national employees to master and be fluent in terms of corporate communication and knowing how to structure their points in emails, WeChat, Whats App and others.

“Through this competition and other activities pr-scheduled, our employees would be able to have the confidence in constructive speaking as well as to maintain body language and posture in their respective departments when communicating. “

The competition involves individual  Chinese and Papua New Guineans nationals from different departments in the mine regardless of their genders and they are currently working and engaged at Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine Site in Usino Bundi District, Madang Province.

The weekly competitions are scheduled properly for KBK Mine employees with colorful,practical and interesting topics that can improve employees’ communication and speaking skills as well as logical thinking ability.