In a recent implementation to Ramu NiCo’s ongoing effort, the only Nickel and Cobalt mine has introduced and upgraded its Basamuk Refinery Clinic with a vital medical equipment that will assist in the diagnostics of one of Madang and Papua New Guineas dangerous Malaria illness that has killed countless people.
Through this effort, Ramu NiCo has remain committed and vigilant to provide the best for its employees at its Basamuk Refinery by implementing and installing of a Microscopic Blood Smear examination for malaria detection, for early detection of the pathogens that cause malaria and deliver treatment . This maneuver is to establish a diagnostics checkup system for Ramu NiCo’s Employees working at its Basamuk Refinery while maintaining a safe and robust health safeguard system for all its employees.
Ramu NiCo Basamuk Refinery Clinic in a report stated that the microscopic technique represents the medical world’s gold standard for precisely identifying malaria parasites. Previously, rapid diagnostic tests frequently produced false negative and positive results, impeding accurate disease treatment. Microscopic blood smear analysis provides the most definitive technical verification of parasitic infection.
The Refinery Clinic is expected to undergo comprehensive redesign, with new medical equipment procurement. Future plans include expanding diagnostic capabilities to include routine blood and urine tests, as well as tuberculosis screening.
The Nickel and Cobalt mining also proactively recruited specialized personnel and swiftly established a laboratory within the refinery’s medical facility in anticipation of the current installment.
Ramu NiCo has always keen to provide the best for its employees in terms of Medical Treatment, Health & Safety, training to meet Mineral Resources Authority’s (MRA) standards while making a conducive working environment for its employees and the surrounding communities to also strive.

