On 19th February, Ramu NiCo KBK Mine clinic provides emergency medical treatment for a 35-year-old woman bitten by a snake at Dengekevi Village.
The woman, Adambare Watai, was bitten by the snake at her garden. Soon, she gradually lost her consciousness. Her families fell into panic.
The emergency was reported to KBK ERT Team in time and she was taken by vehicle from Enekuai Relocation to KBK Mine seeking Community Affairs Office for assistance. After effective communication,she was sent to Ramu NiCo KBK Mine Clinic.
Her blood and vital life signs was tested, and she got medicine injection to stabilize her condition. Eventually, Andambare Watai, a mother of 4 children resumed her consciousness and smiled on the clinic bed. The Elder brother, Peter Bokunu felt relieved, thanking Ramu NiCo KBK Mine for its quick response.