2020 has been an unusual year plagued by the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has hit hard many countries in the world, including PNG.

During the festive period of 2020 towards 2021, outbreaks have been reported in PNG’s West New Britain Province and Western Province, bringing the country’s total confirmed cases to a new high.

To safeguard the wellbeing of its local workforce and their families, Community Affairs Department of RNML Basamuk refinery carried out Covid-19 awareness exercises to the impacted communities.

The main objective of the awareness exercises was to ensure that the impacted communities were informed of the current situation surrounding Covid-19 in the country and globally so that they could remain cautious and vigilant and continue to apply healthy measures in restricting the virus from entering their communities.

Awareness was conducted on 6th-7th January and covered 7 locations including the populous settlements of Ganglau, Mindre and Duman, and Kokou fresh produce market, reaching a large number of audiences.

Police officers also assisted CA team in rolling out the awareness exercises considering the recent rise of infected numbers and potential risk for Basamuk communities.

This awareness proved a successful one by distributing a good number of leaflets and being welcomed heartily by local communities. In response to this awareness, the communities said they had no access to news and media, but through this awareness program, they gained a better understanding of the pandemic and saw the importance of this awareness and would inform other community members. Most importantly, the communities were aware and knowledgeable of the health and safety measures and methods of preventing the virus from reaching them.

It has been a challenging period since Covid-19 outbreak, for both RNML and global businesses. Yet, we will never surrender and will fight against this pandemic with strong wills and persistence. To protect people and its operations, RNML Basamuk Refinery has carried out several sessions of Covid-19 awareness activities towards its own workforce and also impacted communities, issued PPE’s to Ganglau clinic, and worked together with local communities to fend Covid-19 off the shore of Basamuk.

RNML realizes the role the communities play in its operation and has always borne in mind the “One Ramu NiCo, One Community” commitment.

Let’s always work together to fight against pandemic!

Covid-19 awareness in market

Covid-19 awareness in village