From October 25th to 27th, 2023, Ramu NiCo invited officials from Papua New Guinea government institutions including CEPA, MRA, and MPG to conduct a public propaganda activity on Ramu NiCo’s Deep Sea Treatment Placement (DSTP) at Long Island Primary School and surrounding communities. It strengthens the public’s understanding of DSTP, enhances the friendly relationship between Ramu NiCo and the surrounding communities, and will have a positive influence on Ramu NiCo’s future development.

The representatives introduced DSTP and its legitimacy in detail, and the reason why Ramu NiCo Project chose DSTP. PNG government officials at all levels who participated in the activity pointed out that DSTP is an environmentally friendly waste treatment method, which treats wastes safely and permanently in the depths of the ocean to reduce the adverse impact of landfill on the environment. DSTP has a good isolation and protection function on waste, which can effectively reduce the adverse impact of waste on marine ecosystem, reduce the pressure of landfill and help protect land resources.

The Safety, Quality and Environmental Protection Department of Ramu NiCo introduced the design, operation, and management of Ramu NiCo Project’s DSTP system in detail, and the wide application of DSTP in PNG mining industry. Ramu NiCo Project’s DSTP adopts the world’s most advanced deep-sea engineering technology and conducts strict and standard treatment of wastes as well as dynamic monitoring and management, to ensure safe storage of wastes in the deep sea.

In Papua New Guinea, Ramu NiCo is not the only mining company that uses DSTP. DSTP has been widely and successfully utilized in other mining companies in Papua New Guinea. These successful cases prove the effectiveness of DSTP in the mining industry and provide practical experience. (Written by Gao Yuhang & Zhang Mi)…-and-communities/ ‎

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Response to Villagers Questions

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