Ramu NiCo as a corporate citizen of Papua New Guinea has stepped in to assist the Madang Census Office with assistance and support to successfully complete its census updates along the communities around Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari mine.

The only nickel and cobalt mining giant assisted the census office with fuel for their operation on the 12th of August, a granted access to the mines accommodation for two weeks including food and parking space on the same month at its KBK mine camp and recently on the 26th of September the mine delivered the names for all employees to be included into the census update, including Chinese employee’s, nationals and westerners working at the mine site in Usino Bundi District.

Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited ( RNML) Human Resource (HR) Manager  Mr. Jeffers Teargun Heptol said the company is always willing to contribute to vital program for the betterment of PNG which will be vital for PNG’s growth and also to strengthen the already existing bond between Ramu NiCo and the host country and province.

Mr. Heptol said as a corporate citizen of PNG, Ramu NiCo’s assistance follows the well-known slogan of “One Ramu NiCo, One Community” that promotes the integral development and  Papua New Guinea for the brighter future while collaborating as one.

“We are pleased to hear that the officers from the census team who visited the communities along our mines footprint were well taken-care of through their positive feedbacks after their stay ended at our company premises during the two weeks of their visit”, the HR Manager said.

Madang Census Assistant Admin Officer Ms. Algela Mondari said Ramu NiCo has helped the census team that was operating around its Kurumbukari mine area and this has helped them to fast track their work before their scheduled deadline.

Ms. Mondari said because of the remoteness and scattered communities in the remote locations, which prevented the census officers to visit due to fuel shortage, food and accommodation to continue their work on the following day was a challenge that Ramu NiCo fruitfully assisted that contributed to the success of their operation.

The Madang census also thanked the relevant department heads from Ramu NiCo Head office in Madang and the employees at the RNML’s Kurumbukari Mine site for accommodating them for two weeks during their operation along communities around Kurumbukarim Mine, Enakuai, Banu, Butowa, and along Usino Station in Usino Bunbi District.

RNML HR Manager Mr. Jeffers Tiagun presenting the filled census forms by RNML employees to Madang Census Assistant Admin Officer Ms.  Algela Mondari at the Madang head office