Miner Gains New Knowledge at Work
Donathus Pinaunge, is one of a special miner that operates an excavator at the Water-mining (Hydro [...]
Donathus Pinaunge, is one of a special miner that operates an excavator at the Water-mining (Hydro [...]
Peter Poni, an open pit operator of a level 4 excavator with Ramu NiCo had never been to school but [...]
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) as an operator of the biggest Nickel and Cobalt Mine in t [...]
The largest Nickel and Cobalt Mine in Papua New Guinea maintains its corporate obligation to provid [...]
2024农历新年如期而至,在中国人心里,“年”就是“家”。在这个万家灯火、阖家团圆的时刻,远在海外的瑞木镍钴矿项目现场却是一片繁忙景象,他们舍小家为大家,坚守在距离祖国万里之遥的工作岗位,他们奋斗在 [...]
“Everyone have their strength and weakness in work, one person can be good at one particular task w [...]
“The Lord works in mysterious ways when you don’t expect it to happen.” This is a saying that is ve [...]
Six (6) final year students from the Mining and Mineral Processing Department at the University of [...]
Ramu NiCo’s environment office plans to deliver technical training to environmental officers and [...]
Philip Hipo, who had no mining work experience and comes from a disadvantaged background is now the [...]