Grade 6 Dropout Received 3 Awards from Ramu NiCo
Benny Koito had received three awards from Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) for his excell [...]
Benny Koito had received three awards from Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) for his excell [...]
2月10日至13日,公司董事长王洲一行深入瑞木项目KBK矿山和BSK冶炼厂带班检查安全生产工作情况,听取专题汇报,并代表公司看望慰问节日期间坚守生产一线的广大干部员工,向值班值守人员致以新春问候和诚 [...]
中冶集团全体海外干部员工及家属们: 蛟龙出海迎红日,紫燕归门报早春。值此辞旧迎新、继往开来的美好时刻,中冶集团向坚守奋战在海外一线的全体将士致以节日的慰问和崇高的敬意!向长期以来理解、支持海外发展的 [...]
The work of the environmentalist is very important to safeguard mining projects for the welfare of p [...]
A long serving employee of Ramu NiCo, Adolf Longa says he loves the work he does and that kept him [...]
Eddie Jacob, 38, from Ganglau in the Saidos local level government in the Rai Coast District is a j [...]
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited(RNML) assists Ganglau Health Centre with funding to renovate its [...]
The focus of employees Training Department at Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited(RNML) is on boosti [...]
A long serving employee of Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited ( RNML) Joe Ariban applauds the compa [...]
Seventeen (17) employees undergoing the second part of their advanced training for boiler at the Ra [...]