Ramu NiCo Assists Police to Keep Social Security and Order in Madang Province
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) donated 32 new tires of light vehicles to the Madang Polic [...]
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) donated 32 new tires of light vehicles to the Madang Polic [...]
Team Ramu NiCo had an ice-breaking friendly men’s basketball preseason match with the Team Pinoy Mi [...]
Health workers at the Kurumbukari (KBK) site clinic served both the employees and the villagers. Th [...]
“The new GPS tracking and monitoring system is much better than the old one,” said Eugene Garena, “ [...]
A ceremonial Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Coastal Pipeline Women’s Association (CPLWA) held on [...]
近日,中冶瑞木在中国五矿集团公司组织开展的以“牢记殷殷嘱托厚望 践行五大核心要义”为主题的企业文化线上演讲比赛中取得优异成绩,参赛的两名员工全部获奖。公司办公室邓焯尹的 《初心如磐 使命在肩》获得了 [...]
一枝红艳露凝香,云雨巫山枉断肠。 亿万年来,在南太平洋地区的巴布亚新几内亚的热带雨林里,瑞木镍钴项目KBK矿山像一朵躲在深山里的玫瑰,独自寂寞的花开花谢,无人欣赏,只有蜿蜒流过的瑞木河相伴左右。 二 [...]
2018年,仅用16小时便成功修复因大雨导致的矿浆管道损毁; 2019年,成功焊补矿浆储罐搅拌桨减速机机壳裂纹; 2021年,成功解决硫酸管道漏液腐蚀问题; 2022年,成功修复地震对80吨吊车重要 [...]
ERT in Corporate Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Department of Ramu NiCo that administers the o [...]
“Your work performance will promote you and not yourself,” said Gimu Jegas,the Ramu NiCo Mining Div [...]