春节坚守一线 海外绽放理想之花
站在巴布亚新几内亚瑞木镍钴矿区的观测点,我一如往常地进行着RTK的校准。赤道的阳光依旧炽烈,汗水顺着安全帽的边沿滑落。远处,前往联合作业点卸矿的卡车络绎不绝,轰鸣的机械声与热带雨林的虫鸣鸟叫交织在一 [...]
站在巴布亚新几内亚瑞木镍钴矿区的观测点,我一如往常地进行着RTK的校准。赤道的阳光依旧炽烈,汗水顺着安全帽的边沿滑落。远处,前往联合作业点卸矿的卡车络绎不绝,轰鸣的机械声与热带雨林的虫鸣鸟叫交织在一 [...]
At the age of 12, Simon Irinub now age 36 came face to face with the hardship of dropping out of pr [...]
冶炼厂各精益小组在经历了第一个月工作、学习后,对精益管理理念越发认同,并有了更深刻的认识和理解。从入门到精通,各精益小组在学习和实践中前进。 6S 可视化小组的样板间在全厂范围内的推广工作正在如火如 [...]
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) the developer of the only Nickel and Cobalt Mine in Papua [...]
Joining Ramu NiCo as an Asset Protection Officer is a blessing not just for Kenneth Kowi but for hi [...]
2024年,瑞木镍钴项目迎来了投产12周年的关键节点,公司决定全面启动大规模改造升级。作为项目负责人,李刚凭借坚定的理想信念、卓越的管理能力和雷厉风行的执行力,带领团队圆满完成了一项具有行业里程碑意 [...]
A delegation that attended the Economic Sector Retreat Forum in Madang this week was impressed with [...]
When the Basamuk ferry swung around the bay and the towering structures of the processing plant ros [...]
In a generous display of community support, Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited has donated five new [...]