Ramu NiCo Opens New Double Classroom in Rai Coast District
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) has continuously been stretching its hands to assist in i [...]
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) has continuously been stretching its hands to assist in i [...]
为了响应公司年轻化、高学历化人才队伍建设要求,中冶瑞木冶炼厂选取高压酸浸作业区作为试点单位,制定一系列人才培养计划,设计个性化培养方案,加强对青年人才的培养。目前,已经初见成效。 针对青年员工的学历 [...]
十二年来,他的身影在湿热的热带雨林里穿梭。十二年来,他始终奋战在瑞木镍钴项目KBK矿山采矿一线。十二年来,他时刻牢记“矿业报国、矿业强国”神圣初心使命。十二年来,他从刚走出校门的青葱少年迅速成长为红 [...]
Working for a Chinese owned company for a number of years complimented Ramu NiCo Corporate Environm [...]
Enny Marason is 28years old female who hails from Markham, Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea whic [...]
A golden opportunity to visit an overseas country struck Benny Kausik, a 45 year old from East Sepi [...]
The trip to China was an amazing experience for Registered Manager in Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine [...]
Christopher Vela, Senior Maintenance Planner of Equipment Office in Ramu NiCo’s Basamuk refinery, h [...]
Ramu NiCo this week assisted Madang Tourism and Cultural Bureau with funding sponsorship to host th [...]
Landowner Company for the Ramu Nickel and Cobalt Project in Madang Province appointed its first Fem [...]