Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited
Mineral Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Policy
Recognising that risks of significant adverse impacts which may be associated with extracting, trading, and exporting minerals from high-risk or conflict impacting areas, and recognising that we have the responsibility to respect human rights, not to encourage conflicts and not to contribute to adverse impacts on society and environment, Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) commits to adopt, widely disseminate and incorporate in contracts and/or agreements with suppliers the regulations in the Chinese Due Diligence Guidelines for Mineral Supply Chain (2rd Edition), and OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, (3rd Edition), and respect human rights and not contribute to adverse impacts on society.
This policy represents a common reference for conflict-sensitive sourcing practices and suppliers’risk awareness from the point of extraction until end user. We commit to refraining from any action which contributes to the financing of conflict and we commit to complying with relevant United Nations Sanction Resolutions.
Company commits to recognize and manage the following risks:
- 与矿产开采、运输或贸易有关的严重侵权行为:
Serious infringements correlated with extraction, transport or trade of minerals
- 在“受冲突影响和高风险区域”开展采购或经营活动时,我们既不会容忍也不会以任何方式获利于、帮助、协助或便利任何一方实施:
While sourcing from, or operating in high-risk and conflict-affected areas, we will neither tolerate nor by any means profit from, contribute to, assist with or facilitate the commission by any party of:
any forms of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment;
any forms of forced or compulsory labour, which means work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of penalty and for which said person has not offered himself voluntarily;
the worst forms of child labour;
other gross human rights violations and abuses such as widespread sexual violence;
war crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide.
Risk Mitigation Strategy:
We will immediately suspend or discontinue engagement with upstream suppliers where we identify a reasonable risk that they are sourcing from, or linked to, any party committing serious infringement abovementioned.
Regarding direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups1:
We will not tolerate any direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups through mineral extraction, transportation, trade, processing, or export. Providing “direct or indirect support” to non-state armed groups through these activities includes, but is not limited to, purchasing minerals from non-state armed groups or their affiliates2, making payments to them, or otherwise providing logistical support or equipment. These armed groups or affiliates are:
- 非法控制矿址,或以其他方式控制运输路线、矿产交易点以及供应链的上游行为主体;并/或
Illegal control of mining sites, or otherwise exerting control over transportation routes, mineral trading points, and upstream actors in the supply chain3;and/or
- 在矿址入口、运输路线沿线或矿产交易点非法征税或者勒索钱财或矿产;并/或
Illegally taxing or extorting4 money or minerals at the entrance of mining sites, along transportation routes, or at mineral trading points;and/or
- 对中间商、出口企业、或国际贸易者非法征税或勒索。
Illegally taxing or extorting intermediaries, exporters, or international traders.
Risk Mitigation Strategy:
If we have reason to believe that an upstream supplier is procuring from or is involved with any party providing direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups, we will immediately suspend or terminate our cooperation with that supplier.
Regarding Public or Private Security Forces:
We strictly prohibit providing any direct or indirect support5 to public or private security forces that illegally control mining sites, transportation routes, or upstream actors in the supply chain; illegally tax or extort money or minerals at the entrance of mining sites, along transportation routes, or at mineral trading points; or illegally tax or extort intermediaries, exporters, or international traders.
We recognize that the role of public or private security forces at mining sites and/or their surrounding areas and/or along transportation routes is solely to uphold the rule of law, including safeguarding human rights, protecting miners, equipment, and facilities, and ensuring that mining and trade operations remain undisturbed.
If we or any entities within our supply chain enter into contracts with public or private security forces, we commit to ensuring that such security forces adhere to internationally recognized standards and guidelines6 for handling public or private security forces. Specifically, we will support or implement screening policies to exclude individuals or security units with a history of severe human rights abuses.
We will support or engage in collaboration with central or local governments, international organizations, and civil society organizations to identify feasible solutions for enhancing the transparency, proportionality, and accountability of public security force-related expenditures.
We will support or engage in efforts with local governments, international organizations, and civil society organizations to avoid or minimize the negative impact of public or private security forces stationed at mining sites on vulnerable groups, especially small-scale miners, when minerals in the supply chain are extracted through artisanal or small-scale mining.
风险缓解策略:Risk mitigation strategies:
If we identify such risks to a certain extent, we will immediately develop, apply, and implement risk management plans7 for upstream suppliers and other stakeholders based on the specific position of the company in the supply chain, in order to contain or reduce the risks of providing direct or indirect support to armed groups for public or private security. If the risk management plan does not work after six months of implementation, we will temporarily suspend or terminate cooperation with the upstream supplier. 8If it is found that there may be violations of the content in the 8th and 9th paragraphs mentioned above to a certain extent, the same response measures will be taken.
Regarding bribery, corruption, and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of mineral products:
We will not offer, promise, make, or solicit any bribes, and we resist temptation. We will not bribe to cover up or falsify the origin of mineral products, overstate taxes, fees, and royalties payable to the government for mining, trading, processing, transportation, export, etc.9
About money laundering:
If we have reason to believe that there is money laundering risk associated with minerals obtained through illegal taxation or extortion in the mining site entrance, transportation routes, or mineral trading locations of upstream suppliers, we will support or take action to contribute to effectively eliminating money laundering activities.
About taxes, fees, and franchise fees paid to the government:
We will ensure to pay all legitimate taxes, fees, and royalties related to mining operations, trade, and exports in conflict-affected and high-risk areas to the government. We commit to disclosing such payments based on the requirements of the country where the company operates in terms of tax transparency in the supply chain.
风险缓解策略 Risk mitigation strategies:
Depending on the specific position of the company in the supply chain, we commit to cooperating with suppliers, central or local government agencies, international organizations, civil society, and affected third parties as appropriate, with the aim of taking significant measures within a reasonable timeframe to prevent or mitigate risks of negative impacts, and to improve or track performance. If risk mitigation measures do not work, we will temporarily suspend or terminate cooperation with upstream suppliers. We will conduct additional risk assessment for the risks that need to be reduced after implementing the risk management plan. If the risk management plan does not show significant results within six months, and risks such as bribery, fraudulently misrepresenting mineral-producing areas, money laundering, and failure to control or reduce risks related to paying taxes, fees, royalties to the government persist, we will temporarily suspend or terminate cooperation with the supplier for at least three months. During the temporary suspension of cooperation, the risk management plan will be revised to clarify the performance targets that must be achieved before trade relations can be restored.
In line with the principle of continuous improvement, the company will integrate this policy into the company’s management system and the responsibilities of all relevant departments. This policy also applies to all suppliers of the company, and the company will take proactive measures to communicate the policy to suppliers. The policy will be effective from the date of publication and will be posted on the company’s website.
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited
July 2024
The company should identify non-state armed groups in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.
“Affiliates” include traders, wholesalers, intermediaries, and other parties along the supply chain who directly cooperate with armed groups to facilitate mineral extraction, trade, and processing.
对矿山、运输路线、矿产交易地、以及供应链上游行为主体进行“控制”是指 i) 对开采活动进行监视,包括对进入矿区进行授权,以及/或对下游中间商、出口企业或国际贸易者的销售进行协调;ii) 在矿产开采、运输、贸易或销售过程中利用任何形式的强迫或强制劳动;或 iii) 在上游企业或矿山担任领导或管理人员,或是享有受益权或其他所有者权益。
“Control” of a mine, transportation route, mineral trading point, or upstream actors in the supply chain is defined as i) overseeing extraction activities, including authorizing access to the mining area and/or coordinating sales by downstream intermediaries, exporters, or international traders; ii) using any form of forced or compulsory labor during mineral extraction, transportation, trading, or sales; or iii) holding a leadership or managerial position, or benefiting from ownership rights or other equity interests in upstream enterprises or mines.
“Extortion” from mines, transportation routes, mineral trading points, or upstream enterprises is defined as threatening violence or using other coercive means, typically in exchange for permitting extraction, use of transportation routes, or activities related to the transport, purchase, or sale of minerals, to demand money or minerals from the extorted party that is not willingly paid.
此处所述“直接或间接支持”指的并不是合法形式的支持,合法形式包括企业向其经营所在国政府支付的法定税 收、费用和/或特许开采费。
The “direct or indirect support” mentioned here does not refer to lawful forms of support, such as statutory taxes, fees, and/or royalties paid by the company to the government of the country in which it operates.
e.g., international guidelines such as Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
In the event of force majeure factors such as tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, epidemics, or wars during the implementation of the risk plan, the timeline can be adjusted accordingly, but a written explanation of the situation must be provided.
The company should conduct an additional assessment for the risks that need to be mitigated after implementing the risk management plan. If the risk management plan does not achieve significant results within six months, and the risks of providing direct or indirect support to armed groups for public or private safety are not contained or reduced, the company should temporarily suspend cooperation with the supplier for at least three months. During the suspension, the risk management plan will be revised to clarify the performance targets that must be achieved before trade relations can be restored.
Refer to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997) and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2004).
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited
Complaint Mechanism for Supply Chain Due Diligence Management
To promptly identify and address risks related to conflict or human rights violations within the company’s supply chain and to ensure smooth communication with internal and external stakeholders, Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has established this Complaint Mechanism in accordance with the company’s Mineral Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Policy.
1.可以对哪些问题提起申诉?What issues can be raised through a complaint?
Complaints that meet the following conditions will be accepted:
It is related to Supply Chain Due Diligence Management of company.
Company’s business activities or business relationships have caused or may cause negative impacts on stakeholders.
Company’s commercial activities or business relationships violate the requirements of OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, Chinese Due Diligence Guidelines for Mineral Supply Chain or the company’s Mineral Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Policy.
Complaints in any of the following categories will not be accepted:
1)与公司尽责管理无关。It is not related to the company’s Due Diligence Management.
2) 无法提供充分证据或证人以支持指出的问题。
The complainant was unable to provide sufficient evidence or witnesses to support the appealing or complaint.
3) 恶意申诉或为获得竞争优势而发起的申诉。
Malicious complaints or deliberate complaints initiated to gain a competitive advantage.
4) 如果申诉的问题不属于公司内部机制所能够解决的范畴,我们将积极协调外部机构解决。
If the issue raised in the complaint falls outside the scope of the company’s internal mechanisms, we will actively coordinate with external organizations to address it.
2.谁可以提起申诉?Who can file a complaint?
Any individual or group, including but not limited to the company’s customers, suppliers, affected community residents, employees, etc., can file a complaint with the company’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Working Team.
If the complaint is submitted by a third party group or individual representing the affected party, the institution or individual shall clearly state the object it represents and provide clear evidence of representation.
3.如何提起申诉?How to file a complaint?
The complainant should fill in the Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Complaint Form as shown in Appendix 1, without limitation on the language. The complaint form shall be sent to the company’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Office by e-mail or post.
地址Address:Section 95,Lot 18,Modilon Road P O Box 1229,Madang 511 Madang Province,PNG
同时,本公司认可并参与中国五矿化工进出口商会发布的行业调解和磋商机制 —《采矿业和矿产价值链调解磋商机制》,详见中国五矿化工进出口商会网站(中国五矿化工进出口商会 (cccmc.org.cn) )。
At the same time, the company recognizes and participates in the mediation and consultation mechanism issued by China Minmetals Chemical Import & Export Chamber of Commerce-Mediation and Consultation Mechanism for the Mining Industry and Mineral Value Chain. For details, please visit the website of China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers and Exporters (https://www.cccmc.org.cn/).
Appendix——Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Complaint Form
Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited
July 2024
Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Complaint Form
