In accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), we prepare and implement our Local Business Development Plan to help the development of local economy and ensure that local business groups meaningfully participate in and benefit from spin-off business opportunities generated by the Project.
Under our CA Department we set up a Local Business Development Office. We create for landowners a Management Service Company and key landowner companies in the Project area. We provide landowner companies with start-up loans, management training and accounting and audit support. By the end of 2010, we have provided various landowner companies in the Project area with business opportunities of an aggregate contract value of more than 160 million kina.
In addition to business opportunities, we devote much of our efforts into fostering the independent operational capacity of landowner companies, at the time trying to ensure that profits from business development are equitably distributed to landowner families in the Project area as per Ramu MOA.